Quality Policy
Vollrath Pujadas S.A.U. is to grow the volume of business and extend the product range, always with the intention of meeting the entire needs and expectations of customers in the hospitality market, with the highest level of demand for the quality of products.
For this reason, the quality policy of the company is based on the following principles:
The satisfaction of customers and other interested parties is the essential element and the raison d’être of the company. Fundamental is understanding their needs and their assessment of our service.
The establishment of actions in order to manage the risks and opportunities identified through the analysis of the internal and external context and the needs and expectations of the stakeholders in the organization.
Based on this knowledge, the company sets out its objectives and priorities in order to meet these needs as soon as possible and to correct those aspects that are not perceived positively by customers. In order to meet the needs of customers, the quality objectives are set for all levels of the organisation, progressively adapting to the general objectives of the group, in order to act in a coordinated manner in meeting these goals. In order to correct those aspects requiring improvement as specified in the customer evaluations, or by any other system, the company will apply the path of continuous improvement, integrating the cycle “Plan – Do – Check – Act”. Accordingly, the ultimate goal of any improvement process is getting things right at the first attempt.
Quality is carried out at all levels of the company and for this reason good communication is required between the different departments in order to pass information on to where it is needed and to detect training needs. Suppliers must also take part in the pursuit of our quality objectives.
The legal requirements and regulations applicable to our business must be complied with. The quality policy will be reviewed to ensure compliance with the regulatory and legal requirements.
The quality policy must be taken into account when establishing the quality objectives.
Vollrath Pujadas S.A.U. understands that leadership in the market is obtained not just by meeting the expectations of customers, but that it also requires us to anticipate their needs.
Sta. Coloma de Farners, 14 de Febrero de 2018.